Tuesday July 25 2017

Silvia Berti



Silvia Berti started her dance and piano studies at Mousikè in Bologna. In 2004 she graduated from Trinity Laban in London with BA Hons in Dance Theatre and continued her training by obtaining a Masters in MA Creative Practise Professional Dance Pathway at Laban in London in collaboration with Independent Dance. Here she deepened her somatic technical study and took on several methodologies of research and chorographical creation.

In 2005 as a choreographer she took part in the Resolution! Festival in London, in 2009 she was a finalist with Stefanno Questorio for the Equilibio prize in Rome.

In 2007 and 2010 she was a dancer for Roberto Castello’s company Aldes and in the television show “Vieni via con me” by F. Fazio and R. Saviano on the Italian channel RAI 3.

She has danced for Romeo Castellucci, Susan Sentler, Kirstie Simson, Biagio Caravano, Ambra Senatore, Silvia Traversi and in educational dance shows for children.

In 2009 she attended a course for “Danzeducatore” at the Mousikè centre in Bologna.

She is a classical, contemporary, improvisation, Hatha Yoga and postural training teacher. 
From 2009 along with Gaia Germanà she runs dance laboratories for the blind and partially-sighted and in 2011 with Chiara Castaldini, she created an introduction and training group at the “Danza Urbana Phren”, made up of only adolescents. In May 2016, she founded the MUVet ASD association, thanks to which popularized dance culture and diversity in various educational, community and artistic contexts.  

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