Friday May 31 2019
Anch'io teatro
Deals with
Anch’io Teatro is a cultural, theatrical, artistic and social project. It was born in 2014 and raised inside the Festival INV. It has three main research topics:
- Pedagogical one: a research into the pedagogical theatre, a technique which could turn performance arts into something open to everyone, rooted in a collective atmosphere.
- Artistic one: the true creative process comes from the encounter with the Other, developing the idea of creating something beautiful all together.
- Social-cultural-politic one: multiple social levels are woven, from one’s personal life to the political one. In facts, Anch’io teatro aims to combine together the individual, familiar, institutional, private level of the single, so that it’s able to guarantee the maximum of sharing.
All of this is possible through the power of the theatre, helped by the power of imagination.
From its very first day, Anch’io teatro involved more or less 300 people from 6 years old to 70 years old into 6 different territories.