Compagnia Xe
The Company Xe founded and directed by choreographer Julie Ann Anzilotti, was born in 1991 as a possibility to research and deepen the relationship between choreographical and theatrical language. Since 1997, the company has been in chorographical residence at the Municipal Theatre Niccolini in San Casciano Val di Pesa (FI), where they have their own production of “teatrodanza” shows and training courses. They organize and collaborate with initiatives regarding the production and diffusion of dance, they curate training programs for the public, integration projects and territorial recovery in collaboration with local and institutional authorities.
Anzilotti is a choreographic composition teacher for the Teatrodanza course at the Civic School of Theatre “Paolo Grassi” in Milan. From 2000, the company moved the Personae project forward, which is an artistic course dedicated to young adults with disabilities be it mental or physical that have permission to carry out a deep and articulated teatrodanza work, leading to the production of shows appearing in numerous reviews. The book “In mezzo alle Marrgherite” – A story of a meeting between “teatrodanza” and different abilities documents the years of this work (and NoiAutori, 2013). Inside the “Museo del Novecento in Florence where there are videos of some of the Compangia Xe choreographies that document the most significant artistic contaminations between music, visual and performing arts from the 80s and 90s.