Laura Banfi
Laura Banfi works as a performer, producer and teacher. She holds updated meetings, courses and internships for Contact Improvisation, Danceability and Feldenkrais® methods.
She graduated in ISEF Lombardia and at the “Civica Scuola di Arte Drammatica “P. Grassi” at Milan in dance theatre.
She has also attended courses and seminars, in Italy and abroad, for various movement techniques (Contact Improvisation and Authentic Movement with Nancy Stark Smith, Lisa Nelson, Daniel Lepkoff, Jess Curtis, Howard Sonenklar (USA), Dieter Heitkamp (GER); Aikido/danza with Luisa Casiraghi), about voice (Ambra D'Amico, Michiko Hirayama) and theatrical (Saskia Hegt, dip. teatro sperimentale New York Univ; Enrique Pardo, Pantheatre; Physical Theatre with Jess Curtis, USA).
She attended a program for the teaching of Danceability (dancing with able and disable people) with Alito Alessi in Oregon (USA), with whom she collaborated as an assistant for seminars and training courses for Danceability.
She has a degree in Feldenkrais® teaching methods (a four year course). She is doing Somatic Movement Education (B.M.C.) (Anatomia Esperienziale). She worked as a physical education teacher and as an actress in shows for children and adults in the field of research theatre (Remondi and Caporossi).
She taught Contact Improvisation at the teatrodanze course at the Civica Scuola d’Arte drammatica “P. Grassi” (Milan), at the Filodrammatici Academy (Mian) and in other theatre schools.
She has collaborated as a choreographer in theatre shows.