Tuesday May 21 2019

Monica Barone



Born in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1972, she gets her graduation at Instituto d’Arte Paolo Toschi (Parma) and Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera.  Her debut is in Milan in 2000 as visual artist: she brought a series of photos included in Il Corno d’Argento (By Luciano Inga Pin, 2000) and then in Artintype. Those works are subsequently published on Corriere della Sera (a famous national Italian newspaper) and on Ballettanz (Berliner newspaper).

Her performances:

Sull’ammore, 2012, performance
Lei, 2012, performance
Contact-improvisation performances from 2013 to 2016
Paradiso. Un pezzo sacro, 2017, performance by Lenz Fondazione
Protagonist in Iphigenia in Tauride, 2018, by Lenz Fondazione.  
She studied teatrodanza with Lucia Perego, Thierry Parmentier, Michele Abbondanza, Antonella Bertoni, Roberto Castello, Giorgio Rossi, Larrio Ekson, D.S.T. Dinamic Stick Technique with Luisa Casiraghi; contact improvisation with Gabriela Morales, Jess Curtis, Lisa Nelson, Daniel Lephkoff;  contact art with Laura Banfi, Nadia Pedrazzini, Roberto Lun; contemporary dance with Tino Schepis and Monica Bianchi. She studied Danceability, and since 2012 she pratices yoga and meditation with Nicoletta Ronconi. 

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