Fuori Contesto
Guardiamo il mondo a testa in giù
Nelle pieghe dei silenzi scoviamo storie
Tra il vociare rumoroso le ascoltiamo
Con la vita in strada le impastiamo
Dentro e fuori dai teatri le cantiamo
La nostra storia con le altre si coinvolge
si gonfia in aria e poi si capovolge
Siamo quel che siamo
The Cultural Association Fuori Contesto (Out of Context in English) was born in 2000 as a theatre/dance group and the association was established in 2005.
Fuori Contesto, is the space where everyone is who they are, and yet together with the others they expand, infect and overturn thoughts.
The artistic senses of our projects are born from the urgency to overcome the concept of inclusion, a term that limits, closes and separates, in order to experiment with the possibility that they are born from the meeting of different abilities and stories, and to finally arrive at a unique process of artistic construction.
Our shows and performances put on stage what moves people; their search for balance, through everyday ability and disability.
The shows are carried out in theatres, assigned spaces, but also in the streets, squares, shop windows, markets as flash mob dances or urban performances.
The latest attempt is finding a possible language, where even the spectator can find his position, his context and where the spectator can even change his point of view on disability.
The Fuori Contesto are part of the #unlimited network, in the field of Moving Beyond Inclusion, a project financed by the European Union and promoted by the Oriente Occidente Festival in partnership with Candoco Dance Company (UK), Centre for Movement Research (Croatia), SPINN (Sweden), Tanzfähig (Germany) e BewegGrund (Switzerland), in order to develop the talents, the skills and the public in the professional sector of inclusive dance with able and disable dancers.
In addition, the Company was selected to represent Italy in the European publication “Unlabel”, a European project on the current practices and aesthetics inside the inclusive show. The publication, available in English and German, will be promoted in various European countries, with partners like the British Council Disability Arts International platform, Creative Europe and Cologne University of Applied Science.
Emilia Martinelli, the artistic director of Fuori Contesto has choreographed the commercials produced by Rai and the Paralympic Committee for the 2016 Paralympics with dancers from the company.
The Fuori Contesto company is one of the first organisations to have taken Danceability to Rome and have deconstructed the cultural and social concept. The Fuori Contesto company always find new ways (in the type of performance or in the choice of location) to bring to the attention of the public social subject matters, in a continuous search of emotive and physical nearness with the public.
In 2015 the journalist Lorenza Fruci recounted in a documentary the “danceability” in Italy starting with the experience of the dancers and teachers of the Company.
Fuori Contesto have participated in numerous shows and festivals all over the country, obtaining remarkable acknowledgments from critics and the public. They have received several awards and have performed in some large theatres, like “Il Mercadante” in Naples, “il Teatro Valle”, “il Teatro Olimpic” and “il Teatro Vascello” in Rome.
They hold laboratories, workshops and training courses for children, teenagers, adults and professionals of the show.
They collaborate with the “Teatro di Roma” with associations, co-operations and institutions all over the country and they are a reference point for the topic of Social Theatre in Italy with their testimonies and experiences
The Fuori Contesto organise and curate the artistic management of “Fuori Posto, Festival di Teatri al Limite”. Inserted in the cultural schedule of “Estate Romana”, which is a theatre festival, there is also dance and danceability, music, artistic preparation, installations, photographic exhibitions, cultural and social workshops to recount stories that make the “difference”.