Lucia Nicolussi Perego
Lucia Nicolussi Perego is a choreographer, dancer, teacher, manager of the Compania Era Acquario dance school and vice president of the MP Ideograms association.
She has graduated in psychology in Padova, she now lives and works in Parma where she has collaborated with the Fondazione Teatro Due, Lenz Rifrazioni, Teatro delle Briciole-Teatro al Parco, Nature Déi Teatri as an interpreter and choreographer. The work that she achieved finished with the study of the body as a bearer of drama where breathing, movements and voices melt into a unique dialectic crossing. From ’77 she worked with people with disabilities offering creative movement laboratories for teachers in schools of every kind and level of people with disabilities (e.g convegno Animare l’educazione Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore Piacenza 18/10/11; Fondazione Nazionale Della Danza/Aterballetto Progetto Educational Performer 2012 e 2015; Training Transnazionale in Italy Faventia Sales l training of body expressiveness from 18 to 30 years old, for the blind and partially blind).
In 2010/11/15 she was a choreographer and director of the choreographies made for the shows presented in Tours (Fr) at the European Forum on disability Mode H Europe with the recognition from Parma town hall, representing Italy with a group of disabled children from ANFFAS in integration with the dancers.
From ’95 she collaborated with the “Convengo Le Mie Domande Non Solo Mie – Meeting dei Giovani”, an annual project on adolescence promoted by AUSL with the service of Pyschology from the university of Parma, “Spaziogiovani” and the Parma town hall, presenting shows born from laboratories with children from the “Instituti Scolastici Superiori” in interaction with the children from the school, from 2016 she is on the scientific committee.
From ’98 to 2011 (date of suspension of the course) she was a teacher at “Libera espressione corporea” at the Corso di Diploma in Discipline dello Spettacolo dell’I.S.A P. TOSCHI (PR) where she also realised the direction of the shows which were elaborated by the students
From 2000 she is a tutor for the interns for the Psychology degree at the University of Parma that the intern observes at the school in special projects.